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How to Do a Closet Detox?


With the start of a new year, we have new possibilities and opportunities for change, and what better way to begin than with a refreshed closet? That's what we'll be talking about in the following post.

We'll take a transformative journey towards a more functional closet aligned with your lifestyle. Imagine opening your wardrobe every morning and finding only clothes that you love, that make you feel good, and that you actually use. That's exactly what you'll achieve with a closet detox.

A closet detox is not just a superficial cleaning; it's a thoughtful and liberating process that goes beyond following trends. It's about creating a space that reflects who you are and what represents you. Did you know that a well-organized closet can positively influence your mood and productivity? During this process, you'll learn to make more conscious decisions about what you keep in your life and what you let go of, thereby establishing a healthier and more sustainable relationship with fashion.

But how do you start? And how do you ensure that order once you've achieved it? Don't worry, throughout this post, we'll break down the concept of a closet detox, provide practical tips for deciding what stays and what goes, show you how to maintain that state of order, and offer some clothing recommendations to include in your wardrobe once you've completed the detox. So, stay with us until the end because you'll surely find valuable tips that will transform your closet, the way you relate to fashion, and your daily dressing regardless of your style.

  1. What is a closet detox?
  2. How often should you do it?
  3. How to decide what to keep?
  4. 5 steps to do a closet detox
  5. How to maintain order after a closet detox?
  6. Shopping after a closet detox



What is a closet detox?


The term "closet detox" may sound modern, but the idea of purging and organizing personal spaces has been a valuable practice throughout history. In ancient cultures, it was common to promote and practice non-accumulation of material possessions in order not to become attached to them. However, in today's world, variations have emerged, such as the possibility of periodically conducting a general cleaning of your wardrobe and everything you store in it.

So, what exactly is a closet detox? It's the process of meticulously reviewing your wardrobe to eliminate items that no longer serve you, whether they are new or old, in good condition or not. It's a form of purification that goes beyond getting rid of the old or worn-out; it's about creating a space that reflects your current tastes, needs, and lifestyle. By doing so, you not only free up physical space but also clear and declutter your mind and simplify your daily clothing decisions.

An effective closet detox involves a deep and honest analysis of what you truly need and use. It's not just about following trends or adhering to strict fashion rules. It's an exercise in self-awareness and authenticity, where every garment in your closet should serve a purpose and add value to your life. At the end of the process, you're left with a wardrobe that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and aligned with who you are and how you live.


How often should you do it?

Anytime is a good time to make the decision to declutter your closet, but it is recommended to thoroughly check what you have bought, which items you haven't used, and even those that still have tags at least twice a year. Also, identify items that were purchased impulsively due to a fashion trend and no longer fit your style, meaning you wouldn't wear them frequently and they serve no purpose by taking up that space.

As a reference, there are three ideal times to do a closet detox that may serve as a motivation to initiate significant changes in other aspects of your life:

  • At the end of a year or the beginning of the next: As one year ends and a new one begins, many ideas, projects, and the desire for renewal arise, leaving behind anything that doesn't align with your current personality, dressing style, personal style, activities, work, or hobbies. Therefore, it's an opportune occasion for a general closet cleanout.
  • After a shopping trip during a vacation: Besides offering incredible sensory experiences, travels also provide the opportunity to discover, acquire, and experiment with new fashion trends. Traveling often involves shopping, as you want to bring a piece of that incredible place you visited, which you may not find in your home country. If shopping was one of your main activities during your trip, it's an excellent idea to review your closet and do a detox when you return, so you can enjoy your new acquisitions and let go of consciously unused items.
  • During a move: Changing residences can be challenging in many ways, and moving your wardrobe is no exception. However, it's a golden opportunity to select everything you don't want to take to your new space.


How to decide what to keep?


You should question yourself, reflect and evaluate. Start a self-assessment process, which may be a bit challenging. Ask yourself questions like: Did I use this bag at any point in the past year? Do I still like this coat, does it reflect my style? Why do I still have these items with tags? If your answer is negative to any of these questions, it's time to relegate that garment to a pile destined for resale or to give it to a good friend.

It's ideal to analyze if your current lifestyle, work, and hobbies are represented in the clothing and pieces you have in your closet and if there are options for each of these activities to look good or use.

Luxury clothing and accessories are often durable, as they are designed in premium materials such as genuine or exotic leather, cashmere, wool, silk, and the like. However, it's possible that due to improper storage or continuous use, they may have worn out or even torn. In these cases, it's a good idea to ask yourself if you want to repair them or discard them. This is also an excellent criterion for making decisions during a closet detox.


5 steps to do a closet detox


There are specialized companies that provide these services, but if you decide to go through this process yourself, you can do it successfully by following these steps:

  1. Empty your closet: Start by taking everything out of your closet. This step is essential to have a clear and complete view of what you own. Seeing everything outside its usual space will allow you to begin with a fresh perspective.
  2. Organize by categories: Once everything is out, categorize your clothes into groups. Separate them into categories like jeans, casual clothing, evening dresses, work attire, underwear, pajamas, sportswear, beachwear, handbags, shoes, and accessories. This categorization will help you evaluate what you need and don't need in every aspect of your life and see it clearly piece by piece.
  3. Evaluate the usage: Now, examine each garment. Ask yourself: When was the last time I wore this? If there are clothes you've never worn or haven't used in a long time, consider them as candidates to leave your closet.
  4. Decide and classify: Make firm decisions. Separate your clothes into three lots: donate/give away, discard, and resale. Being decisive in this step is crucial for an effective closet detox.
  5. Take action as decided: Once classified, proceed with each garment as decided. Donate, give away, discard, or prepare them for resale without hesitation. Acting decisively will prevent the accumulation and return of unnecessary items to your closet.

By following these steps, your closet detox will be easy and successful, leading you to a more organized, functional, and aligned space with your current lifestyle.


How to maintain order after a closet detox?


Avoiding the accumulation of unnecessary clothing and accessories in your closet and making way for purposeful new purchases brings us back to the beginning of this post, like a circle that closes. The most effective way to prevent your closet from getting cluttered with items that don't represent you is to make closet detox a habit.

At least twice a year, you should repeat the process, especially if you've made a significant number of purchases during that period. This way, maintaining a healthy closet that is a true reflection of your personality and style won't be difficult.

Shopping with purpose

The fact that you've chosen to do a closet detox and have adopted it as a frequent practice doesn't mean you're prohibited from buying new pieces and refreshing your style regularly. However, making well-thought-out and planned purchases will allow your wardrobe to increase its economic value, positively impacting your assets. At the same time, you'll have quality options to use for every occasion.


Shopping after a closet detox


The eternal Christian Dior left us this nugget of wisdom: "You should not buy many cheap accessories; it's better to buy a little but good."

Once you have decluttered your closet, it's time to think about how to reinforce your wardrobe intelligently. Luxury purchases, such as bags from prestigious brands like Hermès, for example, are excellent investments. These items not only add a touch of elegance and distinction to your collection but also tend to increase in value over time, becoming true heirloom pieces.

Furthermore, it's essential to incorporate jewelry for both daily wear and special occasions. A good watch, elegant shoes, and versatile accessories can transform any outfit, elevating your personal style. These pieces not only complement your wardrobe but also reflect your taste and personality, adding a unique touch to each ensemble.

Essential post-detox shopping list:

  • Luxury bag
  • Everyday jewelry
  • Special occasion jewelry
  • Classic watch
  • Elegant shoes
  • Quality belts
  • Scarves or shawls
  • Designer sunglasses
  • Coats or jackets

Excited for a fresh start in the new year?

Doing a closet detox at the beginning of the year is more than just an organizational task; it's an act of personal renewal and a way to start on the right foot. By decluttering your closet and keeping only the essential and indispensable items, you not only clear your space but also your mind. And when it comes to filling those empty spaces with new acquisitions, remember: buying smart and luxurious clothing is always an investment. These pieces not only beautify your wardrobe but also maintain or even increase in value over time.

At The Personal Shopper Agency, we understand the importance of thoughtful shopping and the satisfaction that comes with acquiring luxury items. We offer personalized luxury shopping services in major cities around the world. Explore our services and discover how we can help you make smart fashion investments.

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